'How to make a fish flakes food for Guppy, Platy ,molly'

'How to make a fish flakes food for Guppy, Platy ,molly'
05:26 May 14, 2024
'Hello, my beloved subscribers, today I am going to make homemade flakes food for guppy, molly, platy, and betta. it is very simple to make and cheap providing all the qualities ingredients being used in making this food. \"Please watch the entire video so the necessary information could not be lost\"   if u have  any doubts please include your ideas in the comment Box Below:  surely I will help you.   follow me on INSTA ::   #guppyflakesfood #Mone #guppyfood #fishfood #platyfish #homemadeflakes #makeafishflakes #qualityflakes #driedfishflakes #guppydried food     The creativity of the artist behind this music: To owners or copyright holders. ► Jarico - Landscape: https://soundcloud.com/jaricomusic/la...  

Tags: fish food , Guppy , inside tech , platy , how to make fish flakes , guppy flakes food , healthy guppy food , nutritious healthy food , how to make healthy diy fish food , fish protein flakes , fish food in Malayalam , guppy food at home very simple

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