'Healthy cum nutritious ladoo/ Calcium rich balls without sugar/ghee in10 mins by using 3 ingredients'

'Healthy cum nutritious ladoo/ Calcium rich balls without sugar/ghee in10 mins by using 3 ingredients'
03:25 Apr 22, 2021
'#sugarfreesnack#diabeticfriendlysnack#weightlosssnack#kidshealthysnack#deliciouscurryworld    This delicious and healthy ladoo is a good choice snack for kids serving especially during evening time. It is a best choice for the elders with diabetics and those who are medicating for PCOS/Thyroid/Weight loss. It is also a remedial food for those who are in an aliment of bone disease such as joint pain, hip pain etc as there can be a considerable better result in consuming 30 days continuously. This delicious ladoo can be prepared by using just three ingredients in ten minutes.   Ragi millet Finger millets contains highest amount of calcium and potassium. It is a great source of iron making it beneficial for individuals with low haemoglobin levels. Ragi possesses anti diabetic and antioxidant and antimicrobial properties; it protects against tumors and atherosclerosis. Low in fat and gluten free, ragi is easy to digest. It is therefore given as first food to babies in the form of ragi porridge.  Dates Dried dates are a good source of magnesium, calcium, Iron and potassium and also rich in polyphenols. These compounds provide a wide variety of health benefits, such as better digestion, diabetes management and even cancer prevention. Dried dates are rich in iron. The combination of high iron content and carbohydrates are found in dried dates which can provide a helpful boost of energy.  Peanuts Peanuts are packed with healthy fats and high-quality protein. It contains low in carbs. This makes a good dietary choice for people with diabetes. Peanuts are an excellent source of multivitamins and minerals. These include biotin, thiamine, copper, niacin, folate, manganese, vitamin E and magnesium. Studies have shown that peanut consumption may help to maintain a healthy weight and reduce your risk of obesity.   Ingredients: for making 20 medium sized ladoo  Roasted ragi flour – 300 grams (one cup) Dates (seedless) – 300 grams (one cup) Peanuts (roasted) – 150 grams (half cup)' 
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