'Top Calcium Rich Foods To Increase Testosterone Naturally'

'Top Calcium Rich Foods To Increase Testosterone Naturally'
04:30 Feb 25, 2021
'If you\'re interested in learning how to increase testosterone naturally, download my entire book Master Your Testosterone for free right now https://u.mzu.to/myt1   Calcium is not that often linked to testosterone production, but still, there are a few studies that show some promising results with the mineral.  The researchers aren’t even sure how calcium works to increase testosterone…  …Few logical explanations could be the fact that it controls neurotransmitter release (dopamine for example rises in correlation with T), and plays a role in cellular functioning (which in theory could improve the signaling between cells and hormones).  Whatever the reason, here’s what the studies say:  Back in 1976 a group of researchers studied the effects of calcium ions on isolated rat leydig cells. (327) They found out that in combination with luteinizing hormone (LH), calcium significantly increased testosterone synthesis. When the researchers tested LH’s effects on the cells without the calcium, the increase in testosterone was significantly smaller.  33 Years later, this study gets published in the Journal of Biological Trace Element Research. (328) The researchers found out that calcium supplementation (35 mg/kg) didn’t really alter testosterone levels on the subjects who remained sedentary when compared to placebo. However there were also two groups on the study that did resistance training for 90 minutes, 5 days a week. The first group received 35 mg/kg of calcium, and the other group got a placebo pill.  Both of the training groups noted increases in their testosterone levels. However the group that received the extra calcium had 18% higher free testosterone levels after the workout than the placebo group did.  The researchers weren’t sure why calcium was able to increase the amount of bio-available testosterone in resistance trained men, but they suspect that it increases the sensitivity of the messenger hormones LH and FSH.  Conclusion on Research  Calcium seems to increase free testosterone in men who practice resistance training. The mechanism of action is somewhat unknown, and more studies are needed to validate the claims.  All-in-all, you should probably consider a calcium supplement if you’re not a big fan of dairy products, but still love to workout.  Calcium Rich Foods on the Thermo Diet to increase testosterone naturally  It also has a role in testosterone production, and of course, in maintaining healthy bones and teeth. If you can’t get enough from your diet, it’s highly recommended that you consume it daily in supplement form.  Here are high calcium rich foods high in calcium that also fit a testosterone boosting diet:  high Calcium foods - Cheese  Cheese is a good source of high quality casein protein, along with good amount of testosterone boosting saturated fat.  Its also rich in multiple important vitamins and minerals for testosterone production, such as: vitamins K2, A, selenium, and zinc. And then there’s the calcium. Cheese is the richest known natural source of calcium with 100 grams of Cheddar cheese having 721mg’s of calcium, covering 72% of the RDA.  NOTE: There is some mixed evidence towards high-fat dairy products having hormone traces which could lower testosterone levels, (329) so if you wan’t to be extra sure that this doesn’t affect you, either get raw, or organic, no-hormone treatment dairy, or worst case scenario opt for low-fat dairy, it still has the calcium - not ideal though… here’s a better way to get that calcium you want.  Eggshells  What you do with eggshells after using the insides? Throw it away?  Mistake. Eggshells are one of the best natural sources of calcium and you should eat them.  Not whole, obviously. Instead, make natural eggshell calcium supplement by:  Fill a stock pot with some water, bring to boil. Pour the eggshells into the water (this destroys pathogens). Cook for 10 minutes and then drain the pot. put the eggshells on a baking tin and allow to dry for a day. Use coffee grinder or pestle & mortar to grind the dry shells into powder. Store the powder in a jar.  Now, you have high quality calcium supplement, with a teaspoon providing you the 1000mg’s (100% RDA) of calcium.' 

Tags: Vitamin D , calcium , Calcium rich foods , calcium foods , foods high in calcium , high calcium foods , calcium rich foods for bones , calcium deficiency , calcium foods list , Testosterone Boosting Foods , thermo diet , calcium rich fruits , increase testosterone naturally , how to get rid of calcium deficiency , calcium sources , calcium benefits , Calcium Supplement , umzu

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