'8 Top Foods That Keep Lungs Healthy in BANGLA'

'8 Top Foods That Keep Lungs Healthy in BANGLA'
08:27 May 10, 2022
'#bestfoodforlungs  #foodsforlungshealing #lungs cleansingfood General Descriptions: Before discussing controlling Lungs’ infection with Selected foods, let us first know the total situation:  Chronic Lung-infection/ C.O.P.D.* group of diseases are chronic bronchitis, chronic asthma, emphysema & pulmpnary fibrosis. *Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases They reign all over the world. Cough, cough and cough-expectoration of yellowish, greenish, rusty sputum with dyspnea. Every morning starts with clearing chest with paroxysm of cough. Wheezing respiration; tightness in chest from least labour; patient cannot sense how and wherefrom does he catch cold? Severe prostration; no trace of permanent relief! It is said that to cure a disease proper medici-nes and diets are required. Please mind that those who do not suffer from any lung disease can also take these foods daily.  Best food for lungs or infected lungs: //1//Antioxidant lycopene-rich red, reddish-yellow or blackish-red fruits and veggies like tomato, grape, pomegranate,melon,berry,  shaddock, carrot, beat, apple etc. are very much beneficial to stop infection of lungs. //2//Foods prepared with Olive oil are really good for health; alpha-tocopherol (E-vitamin) of Olive oil are very much effective also in arresting infection of lungs. //3//Dark green-leafy veggies like spinach, Collard, Kale etc. contains profuse antioxidants (E-vitamin), as such contain infection of lungs confidently. //4//Almonds and walnuts Too do contain high amount of antioxidants; accordingly are very much efficacious in stopping chronic infection of lungs. //5//Fatty fishes like Sardine, Tuna, Salmon, Mackerel etc.    are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and are highly competent to arrest chronic infection of lungs. //6//Meats of chicken, turkey and other small birds have high amount of A-vitamins;  their warms stews and soups are very delicious and effective to contain chronic infection of lungs. //7//Potassium-rich fruits and veggies like avocado, banana, orange, asparagus, beat, deep green leaves etc. play  significant roles in minimizing chronic infections in lungs. //8//Water: Drinking water 3-3.5L. a day is very much necessary to fight out chronic infection of lungs. Unnecessary toxins and  unwanted chemicals are thrown outside body via urine and sweat for which water is most important. Please mind that antioxidants like vitamin beta-carotene, C and E fight out free radicals entered and generated in our body. They are widely available in the Nature and each form is quite fit to raise fight tooth and nail against the free radicals.' 
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