'Episode #159 -- Avatar / Lupe Fiasco\'s Food & Liquor / Orphan Black'

'Episode #159 -- Avatar / Lupe Fiasco\'s Food & Liquor / Orphan Black'
01:25:49 Aug 22
'Welcome back to Pandora! That planet you forgot you went to in 2009. The Immortals--sans Pedro--revist the James Cameron uber-blockbuster Avatar. Sarah also is very excited to finally listen to Lupe Fiasco and the group talks about the strange achievement that is Orphan Black. Also we finally learn what is Sarah\'s bonus pick for next week! Get excited!       Intro 0:00 -- 16:06   Avatar 16:06 -- 51:51   Lupe Fiasco\'s Food & Liquor 51:51 -- 1:00:16   Orphan Black 1:00:16 -- 1:22:01   Outro 1:22:01 -- 1:25:46       --Leave your own henge ratings at TheArtImmortal.com   --Be sure you leave an iTunes review       Twitter    iTunes   YouTube       Join us next time as we discuss more random things. Until then, email or tweet us your thoughts, leave a review on iTunes and other crap every podcast asks you to do. (But we love that you do it!)     Artwork by Ray Martindale   Opening tune and clips by Adam Lord' 
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