Mar 30, 2022
'Today we are attempting to transform a white Phalaenopsis orchid into a blue one and we actually succeed! ▼▼▼More info bellow!▼▼▼ Blue Phalaenopsis orchids are on the market for quite a while now and people always have a fascination for them. Many of them have no idea these orchids are noit naturally blue, so today I will try and color a white orchid with blue food dye. The procedure implies making a puncture wound in the flower spike and providing blue dye to the area so it enters the sap flow of the spike. I managed to provide this and the result is quite the blue flowered orchid, but since paint dripped inside the pot, the leaves have a blue tint too, which is not desired. But the result is quite striking and now you know what you pay for. The video that inspired me can be seen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygtvrhhZof8&t=294s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✿ Want to send me something? Here\'s my address! Orchid Nature P.O. BOX 29002, CY-1620, Nicosia, Cyprus --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✿ Want to support my channel and help me continue doing what I love? You can contribute here and thanks a bunch! http://orchidnature.com/donate/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✿ Join our community and find tutorials, photos, care sheets and loads of goodies Orchid Nature - http://www.OrchidNature.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✿ Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/MissOrchidGirl ✿ Follow me on Instagram https://instagram.com/missorchidgirl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✿ See my video playlists! https://www.youtube.com/user/MissOrchidGirl/playlists ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✿ Intro and outro music: Andrew Applepie - Bathtaking Show him some love! https://soundcloud.com/andrewapplepie https://www.facebook.com/andrewapplepie/'
Tags: house plants , urban gardening , orchids , missorchidgirl , blue orchid , home made blue phalaenopsis
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