'Food Chains #Producers #Scavengers #Decomposers'

'Food Chains #Producers #Scavengers #Decomposers'
04:25 Jul 18, 2021
'Food Chains #Producers #Scavengers #Decomposers Food Chain describes who eats in the wild. Every living thing from one - celled algae to giant blue whales, needs food to survive. A food chain shows the flow of energy in an ecosystem. Organisms are classified according to the flow of energy into producers, consumers, and decomposers. Organisms that feed on other organisms and are unable to make their own food are called consumers, all consumers are animals, while organisms that use energy to make food in the process of photosynthesis are called producers and are plants.    

Tags: producers , consumers , food chains , photosynthesis , what is photosynthesis , scavengers , decomposers , what are producers , who are producers , who are consumers in the wild , who are consumers , who are scavengers , what are scavengers , what are decomposers , who are the decomposers

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