'Cast Iron Wednesday 02-22-2023: I tried Iron Man\'s Favorite Food And This Happened'

'Cast Iron Wednesday 02-22-2023: I tried Iron Man\'s Favorite Food And This Happened'
01:26:06 Jun 30, 2024
'If you were Tony Stark\'s guest, he\'d serve you shawarma.  More importantly, shawarma is one of the most popular dishes in the Middle East, as well as around the world, because it\'s easy to prepare and it\'s delicious: it\'s chicken marinated in shawarma sauce and roasted in the oven, then served on flatbread or in wraps.  And so tonight on Cast Iron Wednesday, we\'ll be making chicken shawarma as we discuss cast iron and \"foreign\" foods!  As much as we love our steak, cornbread, fried chicken, and burgers made in cast iron, it\'s certainly true that you can cook anything in cast iron.  So, for YouTube Live tonight, everyone is encourated to talk about and share their favorite \"foreign\" foods, especially when they\'re made in cast iron.  Whether they\'re from the Middle East, or Mexico or South America, or Japan, China, or even Europe, Canada...or other parts of the United States...let\'s open our palates tonight and talk about cast iron and your favorite dishes from \"over there\"!  As always, questions *and* answers about cast iron cooking, maintenance, identification and restoration are welcome and encouraged.  Because most of all, we\'re here to have fun!  Cast Iron Chaos on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CastIronChaos Cast Iron Chaos on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ewmodemac/' 

Tags: Cooking , kitchen hacks , shawarma , curry , foreign , rice , halal , lodge , Cast Iron , Birmingham , BSR , Middle Eastern cuisine , Griswold , Wagner

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