'Why Diabetes Medications Don\'t Work | The Nutritarian Diet | Dr. Joel Fuhrman'

'Why Diabetes Medications Don\'t Work | The Nutritarian Diet | Dr. Joel Fuhrman'
09:06 Jun 30, 2024
'When it comes to treating type 1 diabetes or insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes, insulin therapy is often a major part of the solution. In fact, the advice often comes instantaneously. Your doctor checks your A1c levels just so you can change your insulin dose and diet that is surprisingly low carb with some amount of animal protein. And that is never going to work. Dr. Joel Furhman explains why as he talks about the life-changing effects of nutrient-dense foods you get to eat on a whole food, plant-based nutrition.  Here\'s more from Dr. Fuhrman:  I find that when type 1 diabetics adopt my high-nutrient dietary approach, they reduce their insulin requirements by at least one half. They protect their body against the heart-attack-promoting effects of the American diet style. They no longer have swings of highs and lows, their weight remains stable, and their glucose levels and lipids stay under excellent control. Even though the type 1 diabetic will still require exogenous (external) insulin, they will no longer need excessive amounts of it.  Remember, it is not the Type 1 diabetes that is so damaging, it is the SAD, the typical dietary advice given to type 1 diabetics, and the excessive amounts of insulin required by the SAD that are so harmful. It is simply essential for all type 1 diabetics to learn and adopt a Nutritarian diet as described in my book The End of Diabetes.  They can use much less insulin, achieve a normal, healthy lifespan and dramatically reduce their risk of complications later in life. (Read the full article here  

Tags: Diabetes , type 2 diabetes , whole food plant based diet , longevity , Diabetes Treatment , insulin resistance , atherosclerosis , nutrient density , Diabetes medications , Understanding Diabetes , dr joel fuhrman nutritarian diet , what is a nutritarian diet , how to treat type 1 diabetes , diabetes explainer , insulin like growth factor , igf pathway , how to reverse chronic disease , how to reverse chronic diseases with diet , dr joel fuhrman food as medicine , what to eat on a plant based diet

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