'Plant Science Food Safety Group: Introduction to Cleaning and Sanitizing for Produce Safety'

'Plant Science Food Safety Group: Introduction to Cleaning and Sanitizing for Produce Safety'
03:53 May 24, 2024
'Cleaning and sanitizing food contact surfaces is a keystone activity in developing a food safety culture on the farm. This first in a series of cleaning and sanitizing videos introduces the viewer to the basic concepts of cleaning and sanitation and discusses how to fit cleaning and sanitizing into the farm’s operation schedule.   The next video in the series, Cleaning and Sanitizing Cold Storage Rooms (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=921cLO5Gdxg&t=370s) takes the viewer deeper into managing cross contamination on the farm by looking at microbial harborage in the cold storage room.  Third in the series is Farm Vehicle Operation for Food Safety (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MU_q_F6m7U&t=13s) where not only cleaning and sanitizing is featured, but also how managing equipment use on the farm can influence and prevent cross contamination.  Farmers often reach for the power washer when faced with a big cleaning and sanitation job, but is it being used both effectively and safely? Find out what happens when you power wash in this illustrative video on Power Washing Aerosolization, Considerations for Food Safety (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mV9vcolycY&t=5s)  Cleaning and sanitizing of food contact surfaces is critical for Produce Safety Rule (PSR) compliance and maintaining Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) certifications. When combined with worker training and good organization you can ensure your farm is running safely and smoothly.   Check out our website at https://psla.umd.edu/extension/produce-safety to learn more about food safety for fresh produce, GAP certification and requirements, and for help in compliance to the FSMA Produce Safety Rule.  If you have specific questions, feel free to contact an Agent Associate listed below:  ** Questions for UMD Plant Science Food Safety Group: **        Carol Allen, Agent Associate in Food Safety        Dept. of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture        University of Maryland, College Park        [email protected]   *** LINKS TO OTHER RESOURCES **  Fact sheet to assist with Hygienic Design of Produce Equipment https://blog.uvm.edu/cwcallah/files/2020/02/FACTSHEET-UVM-Ext-Hygienic-Design-for-Produce-Farms-Fact-Sheet-v2.0-only-fact-sheet.pdf  Deep Cleaning Checklists for some Equipment:  (conveyor, brush washer, absorber) https://rvpadmin.cce.cornell.edu/uploads/doc_734.pdf (root barrel washer) https://rvpadmin.cce.cornell.edu/uploads/doc_706.pdf  More on Configuring Pack houses for Efficiency and Safety https://blog.uvm.edu/cwcallah/2020/02/09/planning-an-efficient-and-safe-wash-pack-area/  Choosing a Sanitizer (link will DOWNLOAD AN INTERACTIVE EXCEL TOOL provided by Produce Safety Alliance) https://producesafetyalliance.cornell.edu/sites/producesafetyalliance.cornell.edu/files/shared/documents/PSA-Labeled-Sanitizers-for-Produce.xlsx  Templates for Records https://psla.umd.edu/extension/produce-safety/record-keeping-templates-1  Produce Safety Rule, FSMA – the law https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2015/11/27/2015-28159/standards-for-the-growing-harvesting-packing-and-holding-of-produce-for-human-consumption  Produce Safety Rule, FSMA – en español https://www.fda.gov/media/137715/download   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOLLOW, LIKE, AND SUBSCRIBE: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hwy301FruitVegNews/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCGIApo2366cds7uWGr6v2Bg?sub_confirmation=1 Weekly Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gXlGQL   VIDEO CREDITS:  * Script and Crew: *   Angela Ferelli   Carol Allen   Audra Bissett   Kathleen Hunt * Produced by: *   Christopher S. Walsh, Co-PI * Cast: *   Guy Kilpatric * Voiceover: *   Rachel Ross * Filmed and edited by: *   Audra Bissett  * Special Thanks: *   Donny Murphy and Guy Kilpatric at Terp Farm   Doug Price, Lexie Simmons, Mike Dwyer and  the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES)  …and all our support in Plant Science and Landscape Architecture!  Funding for this Video was made possible, in part, by the Food and Drug Administration through grant PAR-16-137.  The views expressed in written materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health & Human Services; nor does any mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organization imply endorsement by the United States Government.' 
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