'Cukup 1 Bahan, Masak Menu Favorit Chinese Food Resto || Mapo Tofu'

'Cukup 1 Bahan, Masak Menu Favorit Chinese Food Resto || Mapo Tofu'
09:19 May 2, 2024
'Resep Masak Mapo Tofu  Bahan :  250 gr Tahu (2 blok) 150 gr paha ayam fillet ½ gelas kaldu ayam 3 siung bawang putih 2 batang daun bawang prei bagian putihnya 1 potong jahe1 sdm saus tiram 1,5  sdm kecap asin 1 sdt kecap manis 2 sdm minyak cabe Cabe kering bubuk (sesuai selera) aduk dengan air sampai jadi pasta Garam dan lada sesuai selera 1 sdt minyak wijen 1 sdt maizena Bawang daun bagian hijau untuk garnish  Cara : 1. Potong tahu ukuran dadu 2. Rebus di air panas yang sudah diberi sedikit garam , masukan tahu rebus 1 menit, saring sisihkan, untuk menghilangkan aroma kedelai 3. Cincang ayam kecil2 4. Cincang bawang putih 5. Jahe iris kurus2 tipis  6. Campur dalam 1 mangkok kaldu ayam, kecap asin, saus tiram, kecap manis, sisihkan 7. Panaskan wajan tambahkan minyak cabe masukkan ayam cincang aduk dan tumis sampai tidak menggumpal,  8. Masukkan bawang putih , jahe, dan bawang daun bagian putih tumis sampai harum. 9. Masukkan pasta cabe kering bubuk, lanjutkan menumis dan masukkan campuran kaldu ayam , masukkan tahu, dan garam, lada,  10. Tambahkan air 200 ml masak sampai mendidih dan daging ayam masak sekitar 5 menit, dengan api besar agar tahu meresap dengan bumbu 11. Masukkan maizena yang sudah dilarutkan dengan air, masukkan minyak wijenHidangkan dengan nasi putih.  Ingredients: 250 gr  silken Tofu (2 blocks) 150 gr chicken thigh fillet/ beef/pork ½ cup chicken stock 3 cloves of garlic 2 leeks, white part 1 piece of ginger 1 tbsp oyster sauce 1.5 tbsp soy sauce 1 tsp sweet soy sauce 2 tbsp chili oil Dried chili powder (according to taste) stir with water until it becomes a paste Salt and pepper to taste 1 tsp sesame oil 1 tsp cornstarch Green onions for garnish  Methods: 1. Cut silken tofu into small cubes 2. Add some water into the wok, add a pinch of salt and add tofu cubes use medium low heat for 1 minutes, this step for remove some beans flavourle 3. Cut chicken tight into strips and chop into  4. Minced Chop garlic into the fine pieces  5. Ginger Thinly slices  6. Make the sauce In a bowl add chicken stock, soy sauce, oyster sauce, sweet soy sauce mix well set aside 7. Heat the pan pour chili oil  get really hot add mince chicken stirfry no break it up into a small grain not clumping,  8. Add garlic, ginger, green onion white part,stir- fry  lightly until fragrant 9. Add dried chili sauce, stirfry all mix well, add the sauce has been mix  10. Put tofu cubes and seasoning with salt and pepper, bring the sauce to a boil at high heat, cook 5 minutes , let the tofu absorb the flovour of the sauce. Mix and desolve  evenly corm starch with water before adding to the wok, add sesame oil 11. Gently mix all ingredients with spatula,  by slding spatula away from you athor wise tofu easyly breaks into pieces, heat oaver the work its ready to served.  Semoga Bemanfaat  makanan viral di aplikasi tiktok, snack video, youtube shorts, video pendek,  ---------------------------------- Jangan lupa Follow  Instagram http://instagram.com/delishtubeindonesia  Facebook http://facebook.com/delishtubeid  For Business Inquiries : [email protected]  For More Recipe Check Out Our Website  #chinesefood #mapotofu #recipe' 

Tags: asmr , Easy recipe , chinese food , Resep , mapo tofu , Mapo tofu recipe , chinese food video , how to make mapo tofu , video masak , resep chinese food , Olahan tahu , mapo tofu vegetarian , relaxing cooking , Chinese Food Making , mapo tofu recipe chinese , mun tahu , cara membuat mapo tahu

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