'My guppy farm flakes food review and delivery | Tamil |Price of KK'

'My guppy farm flakes food review  and delivery | Tamil |Price of KK'
09:36 Apr 1, 2024
'in this video i\'m buying some OSI flakes food for my guppy fish . anyone want tis food items cnct me * * * fast growth color variations protein 52.0 to 55.0 % fat 10.0% moisture 10.0%    1. earthworm flakes 2. spirulina flakes 3. artemia flakes 4. adult brine shrimp 5. Australian blackworm 6. bloodworm flakes    home delivery available  tis food   . .Cntct nbr :7092598948' 

Tags: Easy Food , guppy tank , guppy fry food , guppy farm , guppy food , guppy plant , guppy live food , guppy fish breeding , Guppy breeding box , guppy pond , guppy types , guppy fry fast growth , guppy moina , feeding live food , guppy flakes item , guppy artemia flakes , guppy spirulina flakes , guppy speed feeding , guppy earthworm flakes , guppy fry tamil , guppyfood tamil , guppy food makeing , growth food , guppy tank setup tamil , guppy cross , guppy diseases treatment tamil , tank idea

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