'Ants for babies and toddlers - marching ants, what ants eat, how strong are ants, how ants find food'

'Ants for babies and toddlers - marching ants, what ants eat, how strong are ants, how ants find food'
02:16 Mar 17, 2024
'A baby friendly Ant video that teaches babies and toddlers all about ants, what ants eat, how ants find food and how strong ants are.  This video shows how strong ants are and teaches some fun facts about ants for babies and toddlers to understand. Ants are amazing and how they work together and use their super strength and is wonderful for babies and toddlers to learn about in this fun paced learning edition about ants.  See ants carrying giant leaves, see ants eating food, see ants leaving scent trails.  Your young ones will be amazed to see ants in their natural habitat, the great strength of ants, how ants work together to find food and what ants like to eat.  Did you know ants can carry twenty times their own body weight and scientists estimate that there could as many as 2.5 million ants for every human on earth - wow. That\'s why we hope you enjoy this short but fun baby and toddler ant video.  Enjoy seeing ants marching one by one!' 

Tags: antes , antz , antts , wat antz

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