Feb 15, 2024
'In conjunction with the World Food Safety Day on 7th June 2021, Persatuan Teknologi Makanan (PERTEMA) UiTM Shah Alam is conducting ‘Food Safety Weeks 2021:Food Safety First!’ to show support and also gain awareness on food safety among Malaysians. The aim is to draw attention and to encourage actions aimed at preventing, detecting and managing foodborne risks that contribute to food security, human health and economic prosperity as well as agriculture, market access, tourism and sustainable development. Food Heroes Short Video Challenge is a competition to produce short videos not exceeding 10 minutes related to food safety such as food poisoning, selection of raw materials, food preparation or issues related to food hygiene and safety. Join our live stream for the winners announcement on 19 June 2021, starting 10.00 am! Strategic partners: FOSTECH Universiti Putra Malaysia Bachelor Of Food Science And Technology (B-FoST) UiTM Food Technology Society (FTS) UiTM Persatuan Fizik Industri (IPHYSS) UiTM Applied Microbiology Association (APMICA) UiTM Food Service Society (FSS) UiTM'See also: