Dec 3, 2023
'The lead single from Forecast Tomorrow\'s electronic instrumental EP \"Order/Errors II - NOstalgia\" Reminisce in childhood nostalgia to escape the trauma of the burning world around you... \"NOstalgia\" The second instalment in the Order/Errors series of EPs and the third release by Forecast Tomorrow. The EP was composed as Ryan and Ryan, separated by 14,000km, shared a multitude of beats, synth textures, guitars and experimental layers over the internet during the year 2022. The aim was to capture the naive feeling of nostalgia we longed for as we remembered the trauma of the catastrophic 2019 Australian bushfires. Channeling experimental artists such as Ulver, Author and Punisher, Ben Frost, Nils Frahm and Tim Hecker - they aimed to create a sonic diversion from previous releases and to open up future possibilities. ........................................... Released 26th August, 2022 Forecast Tomorrow - Order/Errors is: Ryan Fitz-Henry Ryan Pracy Guest appearance by: Michael LeBlanc - Saxophone on \"Space Food Sticks\" Special thanks go to: Daniel Farr (instagram.com/farskiphotography) Simeon Bartholomew (https://store.seims.net) Solkyri (https://solkyri.bandcamp.com) Steve Broadbent Produced, Mixed and Mastered at Forecast Tomorrow Studios by Ryan Fitz-Henry Album Artwork by Ryan Pracy Promotional film clip by Daniel Farr Logo Design Simeon Bartholomew Available for use for film making, streamers, ect with permission. Thank you for the support. https://forecasttomorrow.bandcamp.com/'See also: