Nov 24, 2023
'Interview with Bobsy Gaia, Founder, MANA! An interesting thought shared by Bobsy: \"\"I always tell people, you have to pay your salary burden...and expenses. Well, you have to pay to protect the environment! It has to be incorporated as part of your business package, you can\'t have it as an afterthought.\" Indeed, there is a price to pay for most of our actions, it is time to care about our environment and practise a more sustainable living. Follow Bobsy: https://www.mana.hk/ https://www.instagram.com/manafastslowfood/ Follow us: https://foodmadegood.hk/ https://www.instagram.com/foodmadegoodhk/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/food-made-good-hong-kong https://www.facebook.com/foodmadegoodhk'See also: