'Food Sovereignty - Connections between Inuit Food Sovereignty and Adaptive, Holistic Management'

10:15 Jul 15, 2022
'Provided by Carolina Behe for Arctic Science Summit Week 2021 on behalf of the Inuit Circumpolar Council Alaska. 2021. The work shared in this post is the product of an Inuit led project, Inuit Food Sovereignty and Self Governance. The contributing authors and project team are all listed within the report. No images or material should be used from this poster without direct permission from the Inuit Circumpolar Council Alaska.    Inuit are at the forefront of the drastic changes taking place in the Arctic. As the world community increasingly turns its focus to the Arctic, it is important to ensure that Inuit food security and Food Sovereignty is a priority in every context. Inuit food security is founded upon a holistic understanding of the Arctic – one in which Inuit are a part of the ecosystem and their physical, cultural, mental and spiritual health are profoundly related to the environment. The Alaska Inuit Food Security project (ICC AK 2016), stressed the undeniable connection between food sovereignty and food security. Indicating that without food sovereignty, food security is not possible. Within this work, Food sovereignty is defined as the right of Inuit to define their own hunting, gathering, fishing, land and water policies; the right to define what is sustainably, socially, economically and culturally appropriate for the distribution of food and to maintain ecological health. Following up on a key recommendation from the food security report to analyze management and co-management structures within Inuit Nunaat, the Inuit Food Sovereignty and Self-Governance project was born. Through this Inuit led work, we explored decision-making pathways and what impedes or supports Inuit food sovereignty. The project has resulted in a technical report which links Inuit Food Sovereignty to holistic and adaptive management strategies that can ensure the food security, health, and well-being of Inuit throughout the Arctic for generations to come. This presentation will offer an introduction to what food security from an Inuit perspective is, an overview of key themes and concepts brought forward in the Food Sovereignty and Self-Governance report, and discuss the strong connections between Inuit food sovereignty and Circumpolar adaptive and holistic management.  Links to Findings and Recommendations ICC Alaska. 2015. Food Security Technical Report  -   https://iccalaska.org/wp-icc/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Food-Security-Full-Technical-Report.pdf  ICC Alaska 2020. Inuit Food Sovereignty and Self-Governance: Inuit Role in Marine Resource Management   - .https://iccalaska.org/wp-icc/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/FSSG-Report_-LR.pdf  This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1732373. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.' 

Tags: arctic , food security , self-determination , Food Sovereignty , Indigenous knowledge , Understanding the Arctic , Co-production of knowledge , Inuit Self-Governance , Inuit Food Sovereignty , Inuit Food Security , Taking care of the environment

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