'Which RAW Food Do My Dogs Like Best? TURKEY vs. FISH'

'Which RAW Food Do My Dogs Like Best? TURKEY vs. FISH'
21:58 Jun 7, 2022
'In this video I feed my pack Fish and turkey and find out which one they like best (eat first).   *This is a \'pack feeding\' used to foster a healthy pack dynamic. It allows the adults to teach the younger dogs their boundaries when feeding in a group while under my supervision.     Dogs in this video are... Blue Bay Shepherd Kurgan, German Shepherd Lobo, Lycan Shepherd Ulu and Renascence Bulldogges Rekkr and Magi.    +++ Because I KNOW \'someone\' will ask (lol)... the white cotton in my left ear is protecting a injured ear drum I currently have.  ** DISCLAIMER ** \"I\'m just some guy on YouTube.\" I am not a \"professional\" dog trainer nor K9 nutritionist and I am not representing myself as one. I am here just showing what \'I do\' and what \'works for me\' as a long time Animal Warden, breeder and dog rescuer and I explain while doing it why I do it this way.  :-)   * Before asking me any feeding questions in the comments (OR ON INSTAGRAM) look through the several links I am providing below. 99.9% of any RAW feeding questions you have for me will be answered expertly in those links in more detail than I can provide in the video comments. :-)    *To answer a question I know I will get in the comments:   * Yes, it\'s OK to feed your dogs \'RAW\' bones. It\'s only cooked bone you should never feed your dogs - Cooking the bone makes it undigested, brittle and prone to causing obstruction of the g-track and a perforated bowel. Canines are meant to digest raw bones and have been doing it for millions of years. Don\'t take my word for it though, I\'m just some guy on YouTube... lol. Do your research. I\'ll provide some links down below if you\'d like to do that. I\'ve been feeding this way for over 20 years with great results.   *My dogs all live in the house.  *Muk-bang or mukbang is an online broadcast in which a host eats large quantities of food, while interacting with their audience. Usually done through a webcast.  * I feed my dogs the B.A.R.F. Diet (Biologically Appropriate Raw Foods). Here are a couple of books on the B.A.R.F. diet I recommend by DVM Ian Billinghurst.   Give Your Dog A Bone https://www.amazon.com/Give-Your-Dog-Bone-Commonsense/dp/0646160281  Grow Your Pups with Bones: The BARF Program For breeding Healthy Dogs And Eliminating Skeletal Disease https://www.amazon.com/Grow-Your-Pups-Bones-Eliminating/dp/0958592500   Here is a good online resource if you are looking to get started feeding your dog a raw diet...  http://rawfeddogs.org/rawguide.html   RAW Food amount calculator - How much to feed https://www.truecarnivores.com/learning-centre/calculator/  7 Vets Give The Health Benefits of Raw Feeding for Dogs... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXclTFBUy0M  Watch video and check out article linked below on the dangers of commercial pet foods and myths about feeding raw... http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2013/04/08/raw-food-diet-part-2.aspx   Some other RAW feeding videos I recommend below...  Is It Expensive To Feed Your Dog RAW Foods? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kexbzEOXI58&t=235s  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ojb861YoU9c  Does RAW food make dogs aggressive? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_bQmxzjJCU&t=26s  Guide to feeding dogs RAW food https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKJuFyGn5FE&t=1s   How to feed your dog RAW food https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-meIiHQIRg&t=8s   How to feed your puppy RAW food https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzcBGWDd7VA   ***Here is a playlist of 170+ videos of my dogs and puppies eating various things on the raw diet... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL01qaZ66lpIQIZnA3jQVrZg3COfi9BSHg       *** New Video series ***  Food Aggression in Puppies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wY3lcGNYn4&list=PL01qaZ66lpITGwmcagzq0kE6T7UKWNKz2    *Visit my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/1st508th_airborne/      *** The Renascence Bulldogge has EB, Hermes OEB along with pitbull, bullmastiff, english mastiff and American bulldog in it\'s breed foundation. The Black and tan and chocolate and tan coat colors seen in my bloodline and now in several OEBs that have my dogs mixed into them come from a black and tan Sorrel line pitbull I used when creating my dog (I used an Old Family Red Nose pits too).  :-)    https://www.sporting-dog-news.com/black-tan-gamedogs-asdj-sep-oct-2013/  http://www.goodpitbulls.com/pit-bull-picture/black-tan-pit-bull/  https://adbadog.com/pit-bull-color-chart/  http://ascpbr.org/Blog/Entries/2010/6/6_The_unwanted_Black_and_Tan.html' 

Tags: dog food , asmr , mukbang , Odin , bulldog , cesar millan , raw dog food , barf diet , BARF Diet for Dogs , Blue Bay Shepherd , Ulfhedinn , Feeding puppies RAW food , pet fooled , lycan , Lycan Shepherd , food aggression in dogs , Food Aggressive puppy , Food aggressive dog , Food aggressive training , Food aggressive Dog Training , Food aggression test , Food aggression in puppies , Dog Fight , Renascence Bulldogge , Renascence Bulldog , Bulldogge , BARF for puppies , Gargoyle Kennels

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