'Hey Spice family...we are back with our traditional Manipuri food mukbang please enjoy!! OUR FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ApeiEats... FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/APEIEATS... PLEASE CHECK OUT OUR OTHER VIDEOS: HAWAI MUBI EROMBA RECIPE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umIrD... SERBIAN FOOD SARMA MUKBANG https://youtu.be/7ZJM4HqWFeQ... OUR Q&A PART-1 https://youtu.be/3EmaPnnf5E4... Q&A PART 2: https://youtu.be/1wAw8U0MFwc... HOW TO COOK SARMA: https://youtu.be/xurqhTwuClg... HOW TO MAKE AXONE/HAWAIJAR/FERMENTED SOY BEAN https://youtu.be/8mRxMsaCaWQ... #apeieats #utiasangba #singju'
Tags: mukbang , eating sounds , pork , Manipur , eating show , spicy food , manipuri food , tribal food , Eating with hands , chicken fry recipe , North East India , eating show mukbang , Eating Rice , apei eats , naga mukbang , mukbang srbija , apei eats mukbang , balkan mukbang , eating rice mukbang , tangkhul mukbang , mukbang serbia , serbian eating , serbian mukbang , patkai christian college , tangkhul , singju mukbang , singju recipe , uti asangba recipe , yen kanghou , eating manipuri food
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