'GET THE 30 DAYS, 30 EXCUSES E-BOOK NOW: http://www.earthlinged.com/ebook take a 22 day vegan challenge ➝ http://bit.ly/22veganed support my activism by becoming part of my patreon team ⤸ https://www.patreon.com/earthlinged stuff: ✦ website: http://www.earthlinged.com ✦ FREE e-book: http://www.earthlinged.com/ebook ✦ vegan activism tees & hoodies: https://www.heartcureclothing.com/product-page/earthling-ed-hoody stay connected: ✦ facebook: http://www.facebook.com/earthlingedpage ✦ instagram: http://www.instagram.com/earthlinged ✦ podcast: http://www.soundcloud.com/earthlinged projects: ✦ surge: http://www.surgeactivism.com ✦ land of hope and glory (uk ‘earthlings’ documentary): http://www.landofhopeandglory.org ✦ the official animal rights march: http://www.theofficialanimalrightsmarch.com ✦ the big vegan activism van: http://www.thebigveganactivismvan.com get in touch - [email protected]'
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