'TOP FOODS THAT CAN HELP A UTI | Foods for Urinary Tract Infections | 10 Natural foods for UTI'

'TOP FOODS THAT CAN HELP A UTI | Foods for Urinary Tract Infections | 10 Natural foods for UTI'
02:16 Feb 14, 2022
'10 foods that can help a UTI  Your diet can affect your body in so many different ways from weight to hair growth to bladder health. So, it’s no surprise that UTIs can be affected by the foods you eat  Foods and drinks high in antioxidants and with a slight acidic taste can help keep everything in check. These foods include cranberries, blueberries, oranges, dark chocolate, unsweetened probiotic yogurt, tomatoes, broccoli and spinach. Smart drink choices are decaf coffee; cranberry, blueberry, or pomegranate juices; and black and green tea. Of course, plenty of water is also essential when fighting off a UTI.  What should you not eat when you have a UTI?  Are bananas good for urinary tract infection?  How can I get rid of a UTI fast?   How can I cure a UTI naturally? #uti #urinarytractinfections' 

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