'നമുക്ക് അത്തോ ഉണ്ടാക്കാം, Burmese Atho.. Famous Chennai Street Food, Atho, Bejo, & Banana stem soup.'

'നമുക്ക് അത്തോ ഉണ്ടാക്കാം, Burmese Atho.. Famous Chennai Street Food, Atho, Bejo, & Banana stem soup.'
16:23 Jan 31, 2022
'Atho is a Burmese food, it is a very famous Chennai Street food.It is served with banana stem soup, Bejo, and Atho eggs. for prepare Atho,  we need, Salt water(one cup) Tamarind extract (one cup) sliced cabbage, sliced carrots (each one cup ) sliced onion (one cup) coriander leaves fried onions (one cup) fried garlic slices(half cup) oil used for fry onion chilli flakes and Roasted Bengal gram powder and Boiled noodles.Mix all these items very well with your hand. Add crushed bejo,and mix well. Atho eggs preparation :- Take enough boiled eggs, slice it half, then fill it with little salt water, little onion fried oil,  chilli flakes,fried onions, and fried garlic.serve with banana stem soup. Stay safe  
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