'Does Gum Really Stay in Your Stomach for 7 Years?'

'Does Gum Really Stay in Your Stomach for 7 Years?'
03:25 Jan 8, 2022
'This weeks Reactions takes us back to the playground. Rumor has it that gum stays in your stomach for 7 years but is there any truth to this? Science and chemistry can give us the answer to this age-old myth.   Find us on all these places: Subscribe! http://bit.ly/ACSReactions Facebook! http://facebook.com/ACSReactions Twitter! http://twitter.com/ACSReactions Tumblr! http://tumblr.com/ACSReactions  Cadillac Candy - AM  Producer: Elaine Seward  Writer:  Sam Lemonick   Executive Producer:  Adam Dylewski  Scientific consultants: Nancy McGreal, Ph.D Darcy Gentleman, Ph.D. Sophia Cai  Sources:  https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=172.615 http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/health-and-human-body/human-body/digestive-system-article/ http://www.wrigley.com/uk/about-us/ingredients.aspx http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20130625-does-gum-take-years-to-digest https://www.dukemedicine.org/blog/myth-or-fact-it-takes-seven-years-digest-chewing-gum http://u.osu.edu/buckmdblog/2009/12/02/medical-mythbusters-does-gum-really-stay-in-your-stomach-for-7-years/ http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/fact-or-fiction-chewing-gum-takes-seven-years-to-digest/ http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/3527600035.bpol2001/abstract?userIsAuthenticated=true&deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=  Ever wonder why dogs sniff each others\' butts? Or how Adderall works? Or whether it\'s OK to pee in the pool? We\'ve got you covered: Reactions a web series about the chemistry that surrounds you every day.   Reactions is produced by the American Chemical Society.' 

Tags: science , biology , stomach , reactions , digestion , science videos , gum , ACS , digestive enzymes , acid , bubble gum , chewing gum , enzymes , digestive system , American Chemical Society , digestive tract , amylase , pepsin , acs reactions , 7 years , Stomach Acid , can i digest gum , gum rumor , synthetic rubber , does gum really stay in your stomach for 7 years , does gum stay in your stomach for 7 years , how long does it take to digest gum , honey is bee puke , how long does gum stay in your stomach

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