'Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Treatment With Diet'

01:57 Sep 30, 2021
'http://healthnutritionnews.org/top-10-gut-cleansing-foods/ Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Treatment With Diet UTIs are the second most common infection in the body and prompt a whopping 8.3 million doctor visits every year.  When you\'re doubled over from the pain of a urinary tract infection (UTI), it\'s good to know that you have options. While antibiotic drugs can bring relief from pain and other UTI symptoms, certain dieting choices can help, too. If you want to skip the details and just get the list of diet foods the help treat UTI\'s click the screen now and get it for free. UTI\'s are directly related to harmful bacteria in your body. Bacteria gets into your system through your urethra, it lives in your large intestine, and travels up into your bladder and kidneys causing the infection. With over 100 trillion living bacteria in your body you can understand why this happens. And with today\'s common dietary practices introducing trillions of bad bacteria into the gut flora it\'s amazing it doesn\'t happen more frequently.  This can be corrected by choosing the right foods containing probiotics such as yogurt which boasts extra good bacteria that is beneficial for the gut. The reason probiotic foods have this effect is because they compete with other bacteria for resources, secrete natural antibacterial chemicals, and prevent pathogenic bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract. Also Lactobacillus bacteria, a probiotic strand, prevents UTIs by stimulating the immune system and producing substances that kill infectious bacteria, such as hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid.   In conclusion it is recommended that you eat probiotic rich foods regularly and if you start to feel UTI symptoms coming on you may also want to consider a probiotic supplement, which would provide the necessary probiotics to help treat UTI\'s. To learn more about how a diet with probiotic rich foods can help you treat UTI\'s download this free report on the top 10 gut cleansing foods.' 

Tags: Urinary Tract Infection (Disease Or Medical Condition) , urinary tract infection treatment , uti treatment , How to cure UTI , UTI prevention , how to treat a uti , treatment for uti , how to cure a uti

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