'2013台北電影節|吃鳥食的男孩 Boy Eating Bird\'s Food'

'2013台北電影節|吃鳥食的男孩 Boy Eating Bird\'s Food'
02:30 Aug 11, 2021
'《吃鳥食的男孩》Boy Eating Bird\'s Food 埃克托拉里基卓斯 Ektoras Lygizos 希臘 Greece│2012│DCP│Colour│80min  2012卡羅維瓦利影展特別推薦  2012多倫多影展 2012鐵薩隆尼基影展最佳男演員、影評人費比西獎  男孩豢養一隻鳥,豢養自己的怪癖,除了自己的鳥兒之外,他什麼都吃,甚至包括自己的精液。他的行徑不合社會常規,因為他的偏執與凝視沒有盡頭,他用最本能且無垢的方式,親吻一如侵犯我們習以為常的現實生活。他的所有吞嚥,彷彿都餵不飽他空虛的身體與飢餓的靈魂。導演透過男孩的奇特經歷,控訴社會對邊緣人的視而不見,保證「影」不驚人始不休。  Yorgos lives alone in a rundown apartment in Athens. He appears to have talent as a choral singer, but that isn\'t something that can sustain him financially. Troubled and desperate, he eats his pet canary\'s birdseed, scavenges for scraps throughout the city and behaves increasingly erratically. He begins to fixate on a female receptionist in a hotel; could she be his salvation?  -----------  2013年第15屆台北電影節 -時間:2013/06/28~07/20 -地點:臺北市中山堂、新光影城、光點華山電影館  ● Official Website: http://www.taipeiff.org.tw ● Plurk: http://www.plurk.com/taipeiff ● Blog: http://taipeiff2013.pixnet.net ● Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TaipeiFilmFes...' 

Tags: 社會寫實 , 新銳導演

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