'How to eat Rice and Chapati in Diabetes | order of meal in diabetes'

'How to eat Rice and Chapati in Diabetes | order of meal in diabetes'
03:13 Jul 9, 2024
'To control sugar level always keep the right order. Start with salad and mix protein in it. The good sources of proteins are boiled chickpea, any pulses, beans like red beans, mushroom or any of meat dish like shami kabab, kabab, tikka or meat peices from curry. Then eat Rice or bread. The sugar level will not spike. Watch Dr eric Berg and Justin videos. #Diabetes #orderofmeal #salad #sugar #diabetescare #drericberg #spikeyoursugar #daalchawal #chapati' 

Tags: salad , Diabetes , street food , salad recipes , rice , diabetes mellitus , Chickpea Salad , asian food , chapati , desi food , Shami Kabab , natural treatment of diabetes , Diabetes Treatment , diabetes care , cucumber salad , foods to avoid in diabetes , salad recipes pakistani , tomato cucumber salad , lobia recipe , order meal , sugar control food , best food in diabetes , lobia chana chaat , how to manage sugar level , Sugar ko kesay km karen , food fusions all recipeso eat in diabetes

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