'13 Diabetic Friendly Comfort Foods'

'13 Diabetic Friendly Comfort Foods'
08:58 Jun 11, 2024
'Diabetes is a major problem in America with just about 1 in every 10 Americans dealing with it. Managing it is a whole different ball game. Not only will you have to stop eating sweet stuff, you have to include healthy food with lots of physical activities.   You know how diabetic friendly food seems to taste bland and is usually boring? Well, not anymore! Eating smart doesn’t always mean giving up on your favorite food. Do you have to give up tacos, meatloaf and brownies? Not on our watch!   From cheeseburgers and tacos to pizza and spaghetti in today’s video we will be talking about diabetic friendly versions of your all time favorite comfort foods!  Other videos recommended for you:  WATCH  

Tags: nutrition , diabetic , Diabetes , healthy eating , diabetic diet , Bestie , Bestie Videos , Bestie Health , type 2 diabetes , diabetes diet , diabetic friendly foods , Bestie Food & Nutrition , type 1 diabetes , type 2 diabetes diet , diabetes diet plan , Foods for diabetics , diabetic diet meal plan , diabetic foods , Diabetic Diet Guide , diabetic foods to eat , diet for diabetic patients , best diabetic foods , 13 diabetic friendly comfort foods

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