'#Algae water malayalam #algae for guppies #algae #algae bloom #guppy food #algae advantages'

'#Algae water malayalam #algae for guppies #algae #algae bloom #guppy food #algae advantages'
08:03 Apr 30, 2024
'We are discussing about algae in fish tank or fish pond and what are the advantages and disadvantages of algae. This video also containe how can be used the algae as a food for fish like guppies platies molies and also edible fishes.And also discussing about alge oraganisms like zooplankton and phytoplankton.  Midhula Farm Hut   Nooluvally  Thrissur  Kerala Ph:8129120437     8606428768  https://instagram.com/midhula_farm_hut?igshid=k4uz4blmqaz1 https://g.co/kgs/Du3QPY  https://m.facebook.com/pages/category/Pet-Service/Midhula-Farm-Hut-112074780521559/  https://midhula-farm-hut.business.site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral' 

Tags: Guppy , Guppy farm in India , Guppy farm In Kerala , Midhula Farm hut , guppy world , guppy farming malayalam , kerala guppy farms , algae water , algae water for fish , algae water for guppies , algae water for Moina culture , how can be make algae water , guppy breeding tips for freshers , green algae water , green water in guppy tank , guppy tank water , santaclaus guppy , small investment guppy farm , variety guppy in kerala , how to start guppy farming

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