Mar 26
'CLASS – 10 CHAPTER – 15 OUR ENVIRONMENT FOOD CHAIN FOOD PYRAMID FOOD WEB ENERGY FLOW Food chain explains which living being Eats which other living being in natural surroundings One celled organism to giant blue whale require food Plants do not eat other plants or animals Plants manufacture food from raw materials Using Solar energy Grass is eaten by insects, insects are eaten by frogs, snakes eat Frogs, birds eat snakes, wild animals like tiger eat other animals This is one example of food chain in an ecosystem FOOD CHAIN IN ECOSYSTEM ALL GREEN PLANTS – PRODUCERS ALL ANIMALS – CONSUMERS PLANTS ARE EATEN BY ANIMALS ANIMALS EAT OTHER ANIMALS SUCH LINKS ARE FOOD CHAINS MANY FOOD CHAINS ARE SEEN Food Pyramid It is a triangular shaped Dietary requirement plan Base of the triangle shows Which type of food is most used several times Top one indicates lesser use 4 – Levels are in this Pyramid FOOD WEB LINKS BETWEEN DIFFERENT FOOD CHAINS INAN ECOSYSTEM TROPHIC LEVELS IN OUR ECOSYSTEM Trophic Level describes the position of an organism in the food-web Ranges from a value of 1 to 5 ENERGY FLOW IN ECOSYSTEM QUESTIONS TO ANSWER EXPLAIN FOOD CHAIN WHAT IS FOOD PYRAMID WHY PLANTS ARE MORE IN NUMBER? WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT PRODUCERS ? EXPLAIN – Primary, Secondary, Tertiary Consumers. What is food Web in an ecosystem ? How many trophic levels are there? CREDITS BING-ONLINE IMAGES Karnataka Text Book YouTube THANK YOU.'
Tags: #food chain
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