'ഒരു ബക്കറ്റിൽ മൂന്ന് തകർപ്പൻ ലൈവ് ഫുഡ്സ് , 3 Best live foods for Guppies, Guppy Farm Food'

'ഒരു ബക്കറ്റിൽ മൂന്ന് തകർപ്പൻ ലൈവ് ഫുഡ്സ് , 3 Best live foods for Guppies, Guppy Farm Food'
07:00 Feb 19, 2024
'Contact Us   Bryjo Job  Content Creator  Namaste Kerala  Mob : 9526997492    Before you prepare guppy food at home, you should know what guppies eat in general.  Guppies are not very finicky, when it comes to food. They will eat almost anything you give them. Though, it is important to offer them the all necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals in order to keep them healthy and promote good coloration and strong immune system.  Guppies in the wild consume mostly live food: insects, mosquito larvae, small worms and small shrimp. They will also eat soft algae, fruits that fall into the water and other plant matter they find.  While the diet of guppy fish is very high in protein, you want to replicate this as much as you can when preparing food for them  Daphnia are small freshwater cladoceran crustaceans commonly called “water fleas.” This common name is the result not only of their size, but their short, jerky hopping movement in water. The genera Daphnia and Moina are closely related. They occur throughout the world and are collectively known as daphnia. Daphnia have a body consisting of a head and a trunk (Figure 1). The antennae are the main means of locomotion. Large compound eyes lie under the skin on the sides of the head. One of the major characteristics of daphnia is that the main part of the body, the trunk, is enclosed in an external skeleton (carapace). Periodically, they molt or shed their external shell. The brood pouch, where the eggs and embryos develop, is on the dorsal side of the female. In Daphnia, the brood pouch is completely closed, while Moina have an open pouch.  Bloodworms can refer to a few different types of worm including the two most popular ones; the small red larvae from midge flies (Chironomidae) and the genus Glycera a group of worms that are usually found in marine waters.  Both of these worms are suitable for feeding fish.  Most of the worms that you find for sale are the small red larvae variety, and are not actually worms.  You can buy bloodworms either live, frozen or freeze dried. We’re going to take a look at the benefits for each of these, which species of fish will eat them, and how to feed them along with some recommendations of which ones are best for your fish.  Bloodworms, the larvae of the non-biting midge fly, are bright red in color. They have this color due to the red iron-porphyrin protein in their blood and tissue. They can thrive in polluted water with low oxygen levels because of their hemoglobin content.  This creature is one of the primary foods in the aquatic food chain. Almost every species of meat eating fish will consume this worm. It is also used to feed other aquatic animals such as salamanders, turtles, crabs, frogs, shrimp and snails.  Worms from the genus Glycera are a group of bristle worms that are usually found living on the seabed of marine waters. They can grow up to 14 inches and are a creamy pink color. They also have a venomous bite.  Live bloodworms aren’t always as easy to find as frozen ones.  They also don’t keep as long as the frozen or freeze dried varieties. The larvae life cycle is short, usually just 10-12 days, and they should be used within 2 or 3 days of buying them.  Live worms usually come in a plastic container. You should rinse the worms before feeding them to the fish and don’t add any of the water in which they were stored to your tank.  You should store them in the fridge, with enough water to cover the bottom of the container.  They are ideal for large tanks which have many fish.' 

Tags: Malayalam , oscar , fighter , breeding , Pellet , Live Food , guppy farm , daphnia , blood worms , Guppy , guppy fish , betta , guppy breeding , Artemia , moina , Grindal worms , artemia hatching , artemia culture , Guppy Song , bloodworms for fish , Kerala Guppy farm , namaste kerala , breeding cage , fighter breeding , grindal worms culture , bryjo job , bryjo , namasthe kerala , moina culture in malayalam , ornamental fishes

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