'Why Chinese eat wild animals?? # changing food chain # spred viruses # ஏன் இப்படி ??# tamil # by KKM'

'Why Chinese eat wild animals?? # changing food chain # spred viruses # ஏன் இப்படி ??# tamil # by KKM'
08:46 Feb 9, 2024
'We are explain about origin of viruses,  the maximum origin of viruses is Chinese wildlife market , I briefly explain and how it is. watch my video continuously you are new weaver please subscribe my YouTube channel, don\'t forget to click the bell button, I want your support thank you.' 

Tags: China , how , covid 19 , Tamil , Why , Market , chinese , Wildlife , VIRUS , explain in tamil , viruses , famine , ?? , wildlife Market , ஏன் இப்படி , why Chinese eat wild animals , hugan market , sars viruses , orgin of corona , how spread corona , how corona

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