'10 Menit Masak SAPO TAHU SEAFOOD Seenak di Chinese Food Resto!'

'10 Menit Masak SAPO TAHU SEAFOOD Seenak di Chinese Food Resto!'
09:29 Jan 1, 2024
'BAHAN : 1 Bungkus Tahu Jepang Telur Secukupnya Maizena Secukupnya Minyak Goreng 1 Batang Wortel 1 Batang Brokoli 3 Lembar Sawi Putih 1 Batang Pokcoy 2 atau 3 Kuntum Jamur Kuping ½ Buah Bawang Bombay 2 Siung Bawang Putih  1 Ruas Jari Jahe  150 gr Udang/Bakso Udang/Seafood/Cumi 1,5 Sdm Saus Tiram 1 Sdt Kecap Asin ½ Sdt Kecap Ikan 1 Sdt Minyak Wijen 1 Sdm Arak Masak (Optional) 1 Sdt Gula Pasir ½  Sdt Kaldu Jamur Garam, Lada Secukupnya 1 Sdt Maizena  Air /Air Kaldu 200 sd 300 ml  CARA : 1. Potong tahu jepang selebar 1,5 cm baluri dengan maizena 2. Panaskan minyak diwajan setelah panas masukkan tahu jepang goreng sampai keemasan balik sisi satunya (jangan terlalu sering membalik agar tidak pecah) 3. Potong sayuran wortel miring ,sawi putih kotak kotak, pokcoy 4. Potong kecil2 jamur tiram 5. Potong tipis bawang bombay 6. Cincang bawang putih 7. Potong jahe tipis  8. Masak air di panci sampai mendidih masukkan brocoli rebus selama 30 sd 40 detik angkat masukkan di air  es 9. Masak wortel rebus selama 20 detik angkat masukkan di air es 10. Panaskan minyak di dalam wok, masukkan bawang bombay, bawang putih dan jahe 11. Setelah harum masukkan arak masak, jamur kuping tumis lagi, masukkan udang/bakso aduk udang sampai berubah warna masukkan sayuran wortel dan brocoli,  12. Masukkan saos tiram, kecap ikan, kecap asin, aduk rata tambah air 13. Masukkan seasoning gula, kaldu jamur, lada , garam sedikit, aduk2  14. Masukkan pokcoy dan sawi putih aduk setelah mendidih masukkan maizena yang sudah diberi sedikit air untuk pengental 15. Masak sampai mengental , masukkan tahu goreng, minyak wijen test rasa 16. Hidangkan diatas claypot  10 Minutes Quick And Delicious Cooking SAPO TOFU SEAFOOD   Ingredients : 1 Pack Egg Tofu  Corn Starch Vegetable Oil 1 Medium Carrot 3 Chinese Cabbage 1 Stem Pokcoy 2 or 3 Black Ear Mushroom  ½ Clove Onion  2 Cloves Of Garlic 1 Slice Ginger  150 gr Shrimp/Shrimp Meatballs/Seafood/Squid 1.5 Tbsp Oyster Sauce 1 Tsp Soy Sauce ½ Tsp Fish Sauce 1 Tsp Sesame Oil 1 Tbsp Cooking Wine (Optional) 1 Tsp  Sugar ½ Tsp Mushroom Broth Salt, Pepper As Needed  1 Tsp Maizena Water/Chicken Broth 200 to 300 ml  Methods: Cut tofu into small cylinder with about 1,5 cm Dust slice of tofu using corn starch until all the surface is covered well In a wok  preheat vegetable oil, put the tofu into the preheat oil  dan fry them all until golden brown. (don\'t flip tofu too often otherwise you will brake the tofu. Cut the carrot thiiny slices, chinese cabbage , and bok choy  Cut ear mushroom in small pieces Slices onion Minced garlic Thinly slice ginger  Heat the water on pan and after boil put brocoli and cook for about 30 to 40 seconds, drain and put on ice water Cook carrot about 20 seconds and drain put on ice water Heat oil on a wok, add onion, garlic and ginger saute onion garlic until onion become translucent. Add cooking wine, black  ear mushroom  keep stirfry , add shrimps stir it again  when shrimp turn colour to pinky add carrot and brocoli  Add oyster sauce, fish sauce, soy sauce stir fry and add water/broth Add seasoning sugar,  mushroom broth, pepper, and salt keep stirfry Add pokcoy, chinese cabbage, and let it cooked  and vegetables become tender and water boil,  mixture corn  and water in a bowl, pour it slowly to thcikened the liquid of sapo tofu, stir it slowly. Add fried tofu and stir it carefully, be carefull not to break tofu, test taste Serve at the claypot or another plate   Semoga Bemanfaat  makanan viral di aplikasi tiktok, snack video, youtube shorts, video pendek,  ---------------------------------- Jangan lupa Follow  Instagram http://instagram.com/delishtubeindonesia  Facebook http://facebook.com/delishtubeid  For Business Inquiries : [email protected]  For More Recipe Check Out Our Website  #tahu #recipe #idejualan' 

Tags: How to cook , How to make , Cooking Recipe , ASMR Cooking , chinese food , cara , cooking asmr , cara membuat , Resep , cara masak , video masak , cara memasak , resep chinese food , mapo tahu , mun tahu , sapo tahu , sapo tofu , resep sapo tahu' , video masakan

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