'TOFU SOUP 2 BK tahu telur (300 gr/10 oz of tofu) 100 gr wortel (3 oz of carrot) 50 gr jamur kuping (2 oz of wood ear mushrooms) 1 bt daun bawang (1 stalk of scallion) 100 gr sawi putih (3 oz of chicory/Chinese cabbage) 1 bh bawang bombai (1 bulb of onion) 3 siung bawang putih (3 cloves of garlic) 500 CC air (2 cups of water) 1 sdt kaldu bubuk (1 tsp of stock powder) 1 sdt gula (1 tsp of sugar) 2 SDM saos tiram (2 tbsp of oyster sauce) 1/2 sdt lada bubuk (1/2 tsp of ground pepper) 2 SDM minyak wijen (2 tbsp of sesame oil) 1 SDM tepung maizena + 5 SDM air (mix 1 tbsp of corn starch and 5 tbsp of water) Semua produk Mitochiba dan Steincookware bisa dibeli di Tokopedia atau Shopee atau follow IG @steincookware @mito.id Chopper Mitochiba CH 200 bisa dibeli di sini
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