'This Upper Body Resistance Band Workout only requires 20 minutes to get your muscles fired up! Rather than doing a resistance band chest workout, resistance band arm workout, resistance band shoulder workout, or resistance band bicep workout... …you can do this resistance band upper body workout and hit all those muscle groups in just 20 minutes! Best of all, this is a resistance band home workout, so you can fit it in when it fits your lifestyle! Here\'s how this upper body band workout goes: Complete 30 seconds of each exercise followed by 30 seconds of rest. Aim for 2 sets of each exercise before moving on to the next exercise. Exercise 1: Low Anchored Chest Fly Exercise 2: Chest Press Exercise 3: Banded Push Up Exercise 4: Standing Triceps Extensions Exercise 5: Lateral Raises Exercise 6: Upright Rows Exercise 7: Bicep Curls Exercise 8: Seated Lat Pulldown Exercise 9: Bent Over Row If you enjoyed this resistance bands upper body workout, make sure to LIKE it and leave a comment below! Equipment used: 41-inch Resistance Bands: https://clenchfitness.com/collections/resistance-bands/products/resistance-bands?variant=19925134114889 Clench Band Handles: https://clenchfitness.com/collections/band-tools/products/clench-band-handle?variant=20165667192905 Clench Wall Anchors: https://clenchfitness.com/collections/band-tools/products/wall-anchor?variant=32660797554767'
Tags: resistance band bicep workout , resistance band home workout , upper body resistance band workout , resistance band workout chest , upper body resistance band , resistance band workout arms , resistance band chest workout , Resistance band shoulder workout , resistance band upper body workout , upper body band workout , resistance band workout upper body , resistance bands upper body workout , resistance band upper body , upper body workout bands , upper body workout resistance band
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