'FITNESS CLUB and SWIMMING POOL DESIGN. 3D Animation of a Simple but this fitness club and swimming pool design for low budget build and perfect like a exercise club five star. Design by Vireak Archiect. *** If you want to buy 3D, Animation for this villa only 5,99$. You could contact me by email: chanvireak.son@gmail.com Facebook: Vireak Architect For more other design visit my channel and don\'t forget to subscribe. Estimated: -The cost does not include the furniture, cabinetry, outdoor seating & garden. -The cost only covers the overall structure of the house, windows, roof, etc. -The mentioned estimated house cost in the video used materials and prices in the Cambodia. The costs can change greatly depending on the location of construction. The design aims only to give you ideas for your future home. If you share in any social media, PLEASE GIVE CREDIT by adding Designer\'s Name Vireak Architect together with links. That is the simple way you could support me. Please do not RE-UPLOAD my Videos and Do NOT put in any Blog-site. Thank you.'
Tags: fitness club , pool , lumion animation , swimming pool , lumion animation tutorial , Swimming Pool design , бассейн , bassin , プール , Schwimmbad , VIREAK ARCHITECT , vireak chan , fitness club design , excercise club , swimming pool animation , fitness club and swimming pool desing , ho boi , អាងហែលទឹក , ក្លប់ហាត់ប្រាណ , 풀
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