'Over the last couple years I have owned plenty of ice chest, then I purchased a Coleman 12 volt chiller to carry with me in my Jeep and recently I upgraded to a 40l Dometic Refrigerators. So I thought it would be informative to give you some of the pro and cons of each and show you how well they hold their temperature. #cooler #frig #chiller Coleman Chiller: https://amzn.to/2KlB2XU Dometic Refrigerators: https://amzn.to/2lAhCUz Yeti Cooler: https://amzn.to/2tFwAvS Visit our website: https://trailrecon.com Join E3 Overland: https://pages.e3overland.com/join-c'
Tags: RV Refrigerator , coleman chiller review , dometic frig review , yeti ice chest review , ice cooler temperature , how much ice to put in a cooler , keeping food cold , keeping drinks cold , arb refrigerator , 40 liter dometic frig , 12 volt chiller , 12 volt cooler , electic cooler , dometic vs. arb refrigerator , yeti ice cooler , snowmaster refrigerartor review , arb refrigerator review , trailrecon , overland refrigerator , dometic unboxing , refrigerator tips and tricks , travel refrigerator
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