Apr 9, 2023
'BEFORE ASKING A QUESTION, PLEASE READ BELOW OR CHECK OUT OTHER QUESTIONS/ANSWERS IN THE COMMENTS. Chances are your question has already been answered. :) THANK YOU! Want to find a way to expand your reach as a music or fitness instructor beyond your local market? It\'s a great option, yet most video conferencing software isn\'t designed for this purpose, leading to an audio garbled mess! After days and days of searching and testing, I\'ve found the solution to have the clearest sounding audio for both you and your music students or class using the FREE version of Zoom. FIRST - Make sure you download the most updated version of Zoom on https://zoom.us/download on your DESKTOP, not a phone, Chromebook, or iPad. SECOND - These settings are in the app itself, NOT in your account online. You need to open the app and check the settings or start a meeting and go to audio settings from there. THIRD - Mac\'s and Windows might look different. I am a solid Windows user and so have no access to what it might look like on a Mac. FOURTH - If you can, have your students disable background noise too. If they don\'t have access to a laptop or tower, don\'t worry about it. HOWEVER, both teacher and student CANNOT have the Original Sound turned on, otherwise, it causes distortion or \"clipping\". FIFTH - Always test first! Test with your students, test with a few trusted friends for fitness classes. Testing is how I discovered the best settings for me and my students. Test, test, test!'See also: